Sunday, February 17, 2013

Malcolm X

     So far, The Autobiography of Malcolm X has been one of the most enjoyable books that I have read for school. I really like how brutally honest Malcolm is with us. He is telling us things that seem to be hurting him to have to remember such as when he had a conk and how ashamed he was to have burned his scalp to look more white.
     My favorite part of the book so far has been the part where he started to become self educated in prison and his struggle to get rid of his former uneducated street self. I liked this part because it was his transformation from being on the streets to helping out other African Americans. Malcolm began learning after he conformed to Islam. Frustrated that he couldn't write a decent letter to reply to Elijah Muhammad, Macolm began copying words out of the dictionary to not only improve his handwriting but to allow himself to read anything. I really admired how dedicated he was to learning.