Friday, October 12, 2012

Candide’s Punishments, Do They Fit the Crime?

    In order to get a punishment, someone has to do something that people in power don’t like. Throughout the book, Candide has gone through many different punishments. The main reason for why he was punished was because he was innocent and didn't know any better.
    Some of the punishments Candide has received so far because of innocence have been exile from the his castle because he kissed Cunegonde, almost got killed because he took a walk, and was almost killed in an auto-da-fé. I feel that these punishments were all too cruel for Candide’s “crimes” since he didn’t have any idea what he was doing wrong. I think that his crimes should have been explained to him before he was punished.


  1. I believe that at the beginning of the book he was punished because he didn't know any better, but as the book goes on i believe that he knows what he is doing is wrong and he gets punished because of that.

  2. I think that candide wasn't necessarily innocent, he was just naive, but still committed the crimes not knowing what the severity of his acts were
